Coaching Clinics

Currently, Sepak Takraw Association of Canada (STAC) and Sepak Takraw Saskatchewan (STAS) are in the midst of working together with the Coaching Association of Canada to create and pilot an NCCP for Sepak Takraw, starting with the Regu and Doubles games. Until such time as STAC’s NCCP Committee completes a fully developed program, STAS has the directive from the national body to be already training and certifying coaches in Saskatchewan beginning with the Community Sport Stream. Hence, the minimum requirements for achieving Community Sport Stream Certification in Regu/Doubles Sepak Takraw as set out by Sepak Takraw Saskatchewan are:
Theory – Successful completion of the Introduction to Competition-A Course (old Level 1 Theory) … after which coach is considered “In Training”;
Technical – Successful completion of the Community Sport Stream Technical Regu/Doubles Sepak Takraw Clinic … after which coach is considered “Trained”;
Practical – Successful completion of the Practical Sepak Takraw Coaching Component as per outlined below … after which coach is considered “Certified”.
- Coach or assist in the coaching of a Sepak Takraw team, or several teams in a club, for an Indoor or Outdoor Season (3-month period) entailing at least 20 hours of practice/training;
- Observe a Competition Stream practice in any sport conducted by a NCCP certified coach and complete the Observation Form and return it to the STAS office;
- Complete the Self-Improvement Plan Form and return it to the STAS office;
- Complete this Practical Component Form and return it to the STAS office;
- Individual Membership with STAS is mandatory during the Practical Component period.
1. Clinic Overview
2. Background of Sepak Takraw
3. Game Highlights Video
4. Actual Rules, Abridged Version
5. Modified Rules
6. Typical Practice/Lesson Outline
- Introduction
- Warm-up & Stretch
- Skills Development Games/Drills (keep it fun)
- Practice Matches (progress from modified to actual)
- Cool Down
- Close
7. Four Rules of Ball Control
- Relax
- Kick/Follow Through in Upward Direction
- Closest Body Part to Where Ball is Coming, Hits the Ball
- Lower Ball Contact Point is Better
8. The Five Basic Kicks
- Inside Kick
- Outside Kick
- Toe Kick
- Knee Bump
- Header
9. It’s Alive Circle Sepak Takraw
10. Pick and Teach an Lead-up Activity
11. It’s Alive Net Sepak Takraw – Progressions
12. Closing: Focus on FUNdamentals, and increase challenge as skills develop